Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Come to me all who are weary

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
 This passage from the Gospel of Matthew gives me great comfort this week.  Last week, I was part of another amazing company-wide meeting where we met in Washington, DC.  All of our company goes to this meeting and for five days we discuss the state of the business, the future of the business and have some fun.  Its more like a big family reunion than a typical "boring" company meeting.  We even have an optional worship service on Sunday evening.  Its a lot of work, though.   Most days are 12-14 hours long.  We all come home exhausted (in a good way).  Despite the hard work, it was truly a great week.  

After our five-day meeting, I returned to my home Wednesday night, just in time for church activities with the kids.  On Thursday, I planned on doing some work at home, but it never happened.  I found myself taking about a 30 minute nap Thursday afternoon - I clearly needed some rest.  Friday, my wife and I left for a wonderful marriage retreat.  We returned Saturday and had a busy Sunday ahead.  Sunday School saw a challenging message on fasting delivered by our teacher and then our series on marriage in our church concluded.  My heart, soul and brain were full....but it wasn't over yet...

Yesterday, though, was the epitome of how my last 10 days have gone.  I got up early, as usual, attended a meeting, drove to work, had a busy morning, ran 6 miles at lunch, more work, left the office at 3:30 to head out into the field to address an issue, left from there, had phone calls the entire drive home, as soon as i got home, I made pizza for the family, left dinner early to get to visitation, drove 35 minutes to and 35 minutes from the house we visited, came home, did the dishes, walked the dog and and *whew* the day was done!

Everything I listed above was good stuff - some of it even Godly stuff, but boy did I need some rest....

...Mentally, physically and emotionally.  

Fortunately, Jesus offers us a solution.  In a fallen world, we can take days or weeks like I just had and keep on going.  We can run run run run until we can't run anymore and wonder why we are not fulfilled, why life still seems unmanageable.  I've done that so many times prior to coming to Christ and even a few times since coming to Christ.  

I decided this morning to take refuge in Christ.  After my quiet time, I attended my Tuesday Morning Men's meeting and we discussed how to be better servants.  We are studying a book that talks about the Mind and Heart of Christ for the Lenten season.  It was just the recharge I needed.  See I can either take my last 10 days, be self-centered and say "woe is me, look at all I had to do, or did do".  Or, I can be grateful for all of these opportunities, acknowledge that it was a lot and that I am a little tired and therefore take refuge in Christ.  Today,  I'm allowing my body, mind and spirit to renew by praying frequently, listening to some good music and working at a moderate pace. 
Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"  - Matthew 4:4 NIV
I have found (mostly the hard way) that if I stay God-centered, my days go so much better.  Its okay to take rest and refuge when our bodies, spirits and minds need it.  If you are feeling tired, beat down, exhausted, stop.  Take refuge in Christ.  Open your bible and read.  Get on your knees and pray.  Turn on your favorite worship song and listen.  Or simply lay down, close your eyes and allow God to renew your soul.   

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